2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Obesity, eating habits and physical activity in secondary school students
Borjas SMA, Vásquez PRM, Campoverde PPR, Arias CKP, Loaiza DLE, Chávez CE
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 285.28 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity, eating habits and physical activity are interrelated variables
to be taken into account for the analysis and correction of health problems.
Objective: To analyze the obesity prevalence and overweight in young high school
students of Unidad Educativa FICOA de Guayaquil, Ecuador, as well as their eating
habits and physical activity.
Methods: A representative sample of 82 students from mentioned school (40 women
and 42 men) was studied, being submitted to calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI),
applying a questionnaire with questions related to diet and physical activity practice.
Results: The obesity prevalence and overweight was 17.1%. Young obese or
overweight have worse eating habits than average and their consumption of sweets,
pastries and sausages is above desirable. Dietary risk behaviors have been observed,
with 22% of thin young people who do not eat breakfast and 14% of them who follow
low-calorie diets. The alcohol consumption declared was minimal, and the physical
activity practice was lower than recommended in obese youngsters.
Conclusions: The obesity prevalence among adolescents analyzed is slightly lower
than in developed countries. Even so, they consume too much sweets, pastries,
sausages and meats, to detriment of vegetables and fish, being necessary to change
these habits, at the same time, the dangerous behaviors of caloric restriction. The
public authorities must insist on policies to promote sports practice.
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