2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (1)
Effectiveness of pelvic floor re-education in elder women with stress urinary incontinence
Chang CO, Pérez RM, Figueredo VK, Llori OKM, Torres PM, Torres PM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 465.07 Kb.
Introduction: In the aging process, different syndromes can appear in the elderly. Stress urinary incontinence is among the most common, with alterations in the bladder and the pelvic area structures, as well as in the functioning of the lower urinary tract.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of pelvic floor re-education in elder women with stress urinary incontinence.
Methods: Descriptive and longitudinal study in elder women with stress urinary incontinence in the Gerontological Center of Guano, Ecuador. Group sample of 20 patients, 100% of the population diagnosed, ages ≥ 65 years, without other pathological background.
Results: It is highlighted as a background of subjects studied: body mass index: 60% of obesity, followed by 25% of overweight; gineco-obstetrics: 95 gestations, 77% normal births and 12% of C-sections. In the initial assessment, through the modified Oxford valuation scale, in 60% of adults, Grade 2 was obtained. That was characterized by weak pelvic floor muscle´s contractions, unsatisfactory evaluation. In the second measurement, the obtained results were significantly higher than those of the first measurement, and 70% is evaluated as satisfactorily. During the process of pelvic floor’s re-education, integration relationships were established between the elements, also active and conscious participation of the patient, the health team and the family, in order to obtain a greater life quality which is important for the treatment.
Conclusions: 70% of effectiveness is achieved in pelvic floor re-education performed in elder women presenting stress urinary incontinence.
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