2019, Number 2
Training strategy for the use of proxmox and PfSense in health institutions
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 100-114
PDF size: 450.01 Kb.
Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open source virtualization environment for servers, whereas pfSense is a powerful router firewall which provides security information, it has a web interface for its configuration, it apply rules and installs network services such as DNS, DHCP, Squid, among others. The aim was to design a training strategy for acquiring theoretical skills and practice on proxmox and pfSense, installation and configuration that allows the standardization of servers and services in health units of the territory based on the internet access of professionals. In the exploratory study with 43 network administrators and computer specialists, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. The implemented strategy allowed to develop a provincial workshop with topics related with computer networks with favorable results. Strategy allowed the implementation of the Proxmox and pfSense systems in the health units of the territory.REFERENCES
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