2019, Number 3
Resilient status of undergraduate nursing students at risk of dropping out
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 323.70 Kb.
Introduction: in the resilient status of anindividual are present some risk and protective factors. The university students are expost to this type of conflict, which could influence in their academic development and therefore, to represent an important elemento the superior education institutions relating to school desertion.Objective: Identify the resilient status of students at risk of dropping out.
Methods: descriptive study, transversal, prospective with a quantitative focus applied to a significative sample of 125 university students of the bachelor´s degree of nursing in the university campus UAEM Valle de Chalco of the Universidad Autónoma del valle del Estado de Mexico with risk of desertion, which one has a 95 percent of reliability and 5 percent of error range. The type of sample used was simple aleatory. To measure the variable of interest it was used the resilience scale of agnild y Young, where were taken into an account the five dimensions of the instrument f valoration that are: personal satisfaction, equanimity, to feel Good alone, reliability, self esteem and perseverance.
Results: the results show medium and low levels of resilience int he university students, finding significative differences among the variables, gender and age of the students. It is concluded that resilience, can be influenced by important aspects like self-esteem, self-confidence and the habilities of the students to overcome adverse circumstances.
Conclusions: It can be said that what makes an individual develop the capacity to be resilient is the formation of socially competent people, who have the ability to have their own and useful identity, who know how to make decisions and set goals. Finally, the extension of the line of research - action that focuses on contextualized interventions that have a direct impact on the modification of the results obtained is suggested.
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