2019, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2019; 9 (1)
Economic impact of mortality and morbidity from diseases in dairy calves
Rocha VJ, Gonzalez-Avalos R, Avila-Cisneros R, Peña-Revuelta B, Reyes-Romero A
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 798.03 Kb.
The raising of calves is the important basis for the success of any dairy production unit, the period
immediately after calving and the first days of life are critical times for calves. Attention to detail during this
time can reduce losses from deaths and reduce the incidence of diseases. The two main types of problems
are diarrhea and pneumonia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic impact related to
mortality caused by diarrhea disease in the development of dairy calves. An observational study was
conducted with a population of 510 Holstein calves in lactation. The variables that were considered to
evaluate the growth will be: at birth and at weaning, weight, height at the withers, daily gain and total weight
gain. The diseases that were registered to monitor the health of the calves were diarrhea and pneumonia.
A prevalence of 40.3% was detected for diarrhea and 4.35% for nemonies. Diseases such as diarrhea and
pneumonia affect the development of lactating dairy calves, which generates economic losses due to
mortality in the order of $ 275,000 in the evaluated population.
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