2017, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2017; 33 (1)
Alzheimer's disease and environmental risk factors
Armenteros BFM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 159-172
PDF size: 112.62 Kb.
Introduction: Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized for
cognitive and conductual impairment with progressive beginning and course. There
are many hypothesis about the disease that show from 20 percent of the persons
with Alzheimer disease have a genetic injury and the difference of 80 percent of
them are related with ambiental factors.
Objective: This review pretends show the ambiental risk factors associated to
Alzheimer disease and the physiolocal and etiological mechanisms that cause it
Methods: Actualized systematic approach it is based in data base CUMED and
EBSCO. There are fifty cites an ten pertinents cites. Also an study and analysis
selection was realized in both languages (English and Spanish). It was included
research with different designs: prospective longitudinal metanalysis, aleatory
clinical assays, and original investigations and revision articles for very importants
Conclusions: There re diverse ambiental risk factors that contribute to Alzheimer
disease. It is possible these ambientl risk factors coul begin in early etapes of the
patients life and combine with other genetic factors.
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