2019, Number 1
Productive performance and meat quality of rabbits that consumed cookie waste
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 191.47 Kb.
Fattening commercial feed cost for rabbits in Mexico is high, the reduction of its cost without affecting the production parameters, the quality of the carcass and meat is of great interest for the agricultural industry. It has been proposed the use of supplements that provide the necessary energy requirements in the fattening of rabbits, among which we can mention the cookie waste, which can be a source of energy to replace conventional food and thus reduce costs. In this work, we intended to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of cookie waste over the productive parameters, the quality of the carcass and rabbit meat. 8 Nueva Zelanda rabbits were used distributed completely randomly in two treatments, the control and the experimental one (cookie waste). The results obtained showed that the use of biscuit waste on fattening feeding for rabbits did not affect the productive parameters, quality of the carcass and meat (p› 0.05), which suggests that it is a viable option for rabbit production, as well as a cheaper option.REFERENCES
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