2019, Number 05
Determining factors related to the incidence of the tuberculosis in a municipality of Santiago de Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 847-859
PDF size: 1006.56 Kb.
Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectocontagious disease that affects a great number of people worldwide.Objective: To describe the characteristics of this disease in the municipality of Mella, according to some social-demographic, social -cultural, social-behavioural, biological, environmental determinants as well as of health services and to identify the risk factors present in the community.
Methods: An ecological, cross sectional study with combined designs was carried out. The universe was constituted by the 7 cases notified with lung tuberculosis in the municipality of Mella, Santiago de Cuba, from 2016 to 2018.
Results: Among the most affected risk groups we can mention: elderly, alcoholic, diabetics and undernourished adults; with more incidence in male sex. Among other findings, the possible associations between the incidence of tuberculosis and the risk factors were detected.
Conclusions: The rates of incidences were associated in a direct way to the populational density, overcrowding, little ventilation and scarce illumination.
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