2018, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (3)
Illustrated digital glossary of terms for understanding mathematical content
García LB, Urrutia FOL, Hernández MND, Urrutia FH
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 71-74
PDF size: 261.84 Kb.
Objective: to prepare an illustrated digital glossary of the terms
used in the subjects of the Mathematics subject.
Methods: different theoretical methods were used such as:
synthesis-analysis, logical history and documentary analysis. Empirical methods such as: observation, survey and pedagogical (diagnostic) tests, and for information processing methods of descriptive statistics. The Larousse dictionary, the Mathematics
textbook for high school students, Wikipedia (all in digital format),
the Soldes Cot Standard tool was also used as a voice
Results: a glossary of terms, which in addition to being able to
read the meanings of the different definitions, can be observed
through the graphs and examples. The student will be able to
listen, through a voice synthesizer, with very good diction, what
is read as many times as necessary, which will have an important
social impact on the learning of the Spanish language.
Conclusions: with the use by students and teachers of the
glossary in digital form with audition in the process of teachinglearning
of Mathematics, favorable changes in the development of
communication skills were evidenced, by enhancing the exchange,
content socialization of teaching and the use of the various
avenues for evaluation in teaching activities, which contributed in
students to the development of criticism, self-criticism, reflection
and debate.
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