2019, Number 2
Electroneuromiographic alterations in infectuous polineuropathy secondary to Hansen disease. Presentation of a patient
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 225-232
PDF size: 557.66 Kb.
Leprosy or Hansen disease is an infectious, chronic, granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is characterized by cutaneous lesions, in mucosa and peripheral nerves that consequently cause anesthesia, muscular weakness and paralysis. It has the capacity to invade and affect the peripheral nerves in an asymmetric way. The study was performed with the objective of presenting the electroneuromiographic alterations in a patient with diagnosis of leprosy, taking into account the infrequency of this disease in Mayabeque. It is about a clinical case assisted in the specialized consultation of Neurophysiology at Leopoldito Martínez Teaching General Hospital in San José de las Lajas. The patient presented damage in the axonomielinic motor fibers of less intensity than in the sensitive fibers and with higher severity in lower limbs. It can be concluded that the electroneuromiography determines intensity, topography and physiopathology mechanism of the leprosy neuropathy, aspects of a great prognosis interest.REFERENCES
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