2019, Number 2
Signs associated to death in ischemic cerebrovascular diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 196-206
PDF size: 634.97 Kb.
Introduction: cerebrovascular diseases is the third cause of death in the western world. There is the influence of variables that inform the risk to die.Objective: to determine signs associated to death in ischemic cerebrovascular diseases in hospitalized patients from Mayabeque.
Methods: an observational analytic study was performed. The universe of study was formed by 982 patients. Incomplete clinical records were excluded of the investigation. The sample was selected by a non-probabilistic intentional model, conformed by a total of 334 patients (167 alive and 167 deceased) For processing the data a which Chi–square test was applied to measure the association between the variables, with a level of confidence of 95%.
Results: the highest incidence of deceased patients because of cerebrovascular diseases is in the 70 to 79 age group. Patients with sisto-diastolic blood pressure prevailed for a total of 294 patients with 152 alive and 142deceased. Hyperuricemia was appreciated in 109 deceased y 41 alive patients, as well as hyperglycemia in 128 deceased and 75 alive patients. Dead patients with pulmonary thromboembolism and pneumonia prevailed in a 60 and 75% respectively.
Conclusions: the highest mortality for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases was in patients older than 70 years old. Sisto-diastolic hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia were associated to deaths. Pulmonary thromboembolism, pneumonia and hydro-electrolytic unbalances as well as a stay higher than 8 days were associated to higher mortality.
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