2019, Number 29
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INFODIR 2019; 15 (29)
Direction and control: a reflection from the context of medical sciences
Peñalver SG, Borges DL, Veranes GI, Peñalver SL
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 115-122
PDF size: 108.02 Kb.
The teaching of medical sciences as any human activity, is presented at the dawn of the new millennium as an indispensable social factor in terms of the growth and development of public health. However, there are various consequences that are often identified as a result of the lack of control of the Teaching Learning Process, ranging from teacher impunity to unfavorable results in the fulfillment of the plans outlined, which evidently has a negative impact on the comprehensive training of future health professionals. Reflecting on the importance of control in the direction of the Teaching Learning Process of Medical Sciences is the purpose of this article.
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