2019, Number 63
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Oral 2019; 20 (63)
Comparison of two final irrigation methods used in the preparation of the root canal system: PUI vs EDTA 18% by means of the MEB (in vitro study)
Holguín-Santana MP, López-Trujillo DM, Pietschmannn-S MÁ, Hernández-Santander T, Enríquez-Maldonado A, Mejía-Ferrel A
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1714-1718
PDF size: 829.59 Kb.
The elimination of the remains of vital and necrotic pulp tissue and the microorganisms of the root canal system is fundamental for success
in endodontics. Disinfection of the root canal through irrigation and instrumentation is one of the most important factors in the prevention
and treatment of apical periodontitis. Given the impossibility of reaching all areas of the canal system with the instrumentation, irrigation
becomes especially important. In the last decade a series of systems of dispensing and agitation of irrigantes have been developed,
such as the ultrasounds, these systems have the capacity of that the irrigante penetrate in the system of the root conduits, eliminating
bacteria, pulpar tissue, rest of dentin and dentin barrel, are more effective than conventional irrigation systems, while being safe.
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