2019, Number S1
Approach to gender violence by mental health professionals
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 8-16
PDF size: 107.07 Kb.
Introduction: Gender violence is a problem of great magnitude with serious consequences for the physical and mental health of women that violate their human rights. Objective: Compare the practices of health professionals in the detection, care and monitoring of gender violence in a psychiatric hospital. Material and methods: Quantitative cross-sectional study; the study consisted of two stages: in the first, an ex profeso survey validated by expert criteria and a pilot test was applied to 72 health professionals who worked in a psychiatric hospital in San Luis Potosi; the second stage sought to compare what was explored in the survey with the review of 86 records of women who were seen in the emergency and hospital services. Results: No agreement was found between what was reported by the health professionals in relation to the approach to violence and what was found in the review of files of the women attended, which presented a high prevalence of violence. Conclusions: Mental health services need to articulate the regulations that are available in terms of attention to the gender violence through prevention, detection and comprehensive care protocols.REFERENCES
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