2019, Number 3
Metabolic syndrome in patients hospitalized in Geriatric Services
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 628-640
PDF size: 758.70 Kb.
Introduction: the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is very high around the world and is still vertiginously increasing in the last years. Therefore, it can be considered a pandemic of the current times. It is thought that 25 % of the adult population suffers it.Objective: to determine the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and to identify other clinical forms of the atherosclerotic vascular disease in elder people who entered the Service of Geriatrics of the Provincial Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital “Celia Sanchez Manduley”, of Manzanillo, Granma, in the period from June 2015 to June 2016.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out with the inclusion of the 120 elder people who the Service of Geriatrics.
Results: 105 individuals of 129 studied were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. The 79-79 age group and male sex were the most affected by endocrinopathy. Other clinical forms of the arteriosclerotic vascular disease identified in the studied elder people were ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and hypertensive heart disease.
Conclusions: there is a high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among the studied elder people.
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