2019, Number 2
Mortality in patients with kidney disease. Institute of Nephrology, 2016 and 2017
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 357-370
PDF size: 606.23 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is a health problem worldwide.Objective: To determine the behavior of mortality in patients with kidney damage in the Nephrology Institute during the years between 2016 and 2017.
Material and Method: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted in 48 deceased patients who underwent necropsy. Demographic and laboratory variables were recorded, as well as those related to the type of renal function replacement therapy and the anatomopathological diagnosis. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated for each of the variables. In the case of the variable "presence of sepsis" in deaths, the Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test was used to test the Null Hypothesis HO: uniformity of the distribution of the three categories of the variable.
Results: A total of 48 deceased were studied at necropsy, representing 48.9% of the total number of deaths within the period. The clinicalpathological correlation was 80.1%. The male sex, the group over the age of 60 years, and arterial hypertension as antecedent of the disease predominated in the study. The most documented method of renal function replacement therapy was hemodialysis which was performed through central venous catheter, 87.8%. The 61.8% of deceased patients received hemodialysis treatment for 3 months or less. Sepsis represented the second cause of death preceded by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. However, during the analysis of all the necropsies, the direct or indirect infection associated with the death had a greater frequency.
Conclusions: Direct or indirect infections associated with death, hypoalbuminemia, and the vascular access with venous catheter was related to mortality during the observed period.
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