2019, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2019; 61 (5)
Occupational health and safety: educational intervention for cleaning workers in research sectors
Parra-Tapia E, Perales-Ortiz G, Quezada AD, Torres-Pereda P
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 657-669
PDF size: 348.55 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate the results of educational intervention
on health and safety regarding principles of biosafety in
cleaning workers of a health institution.
Materials and
methods. Using concurrent mixed methods, we evaluated
a total of 31 workers on their knowledge, attitudes, and
practices of biosafety and risk perception. We conducted
baseline measurements and two follow-ups. Fractional logistic
regression models were fitted with study stage as covariate.
Additional models included interactions of study stage with
key workers characteristics. Thematic qualitative analysis and
triangulation was developed.
Results. The knowledge (+33.3
points, scale 0-100), attitudes (+10.6), and practices (+23.5)
increased significantly in the first follow-up; knowledge decreased
in the second follow-up (
p‹0.001). The qualitative
findings revealed an improvement in risk prevention attitudes
and practices, framed by experiences of vulnerability, stigma,
and discrimination.
Conclusions. The study provides key
elements for biosafety research related to vulnerable groups
and it is effective in promoting the health of a disadvantaged
and invisible sector.
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