2017, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2017; 8 (2)
How to fill an undifferentiated continent with a determined content? Psychodynamic approach of an eating symptom
Jordán-Quintero MI
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 193-202
PDF size: 419.11 Kb.
The aim of this study was to establish that the lack of distinction between inside
and outside of the patient presented was one of the nuclear factors in Rosa’s eating symptom.
For this purpose we present the clinical materials issued from the psychotherapeutic process
carried on with Rosa during 10 years ----one of the two components of the bifocal therapy----
emphasizing the transference-countertransference relation. The comprehension achieved from
clinical materials is enriched by means of discussing approaches of several authors on relevant
concepts. Results showed that what had failed during Rosa’s early development was built-rebuilt
throughout therapy. She worked on building a bodily and mental image, enriched her self and
her relationships with others. This clinical experience is an invitation to think about the great
variety of expressions ----sometimes by means of the body and sometimes of the psyche---- of early
failures and also, that treatments must include various aspects, with bifocal therapy being an
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