2019, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (3)
The social brain in autism
Gordillo LF, Mestas HL, Pérez NMÁ, Arana MJM
Language: Spanish
References: 73
Page: 2671-2688
PDF size: 210.89 Kb.
Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are located in a continuum where
different levels of affectation with common cognitive and
neurobehavioral alterations are contemplated. The knowledge
acquired from the neuroscience approach and using neuroimaging
techniques could provide improvements in the diagnosis and
therapeutic approach of this group of developmental disorders. The
ASD characterization has its central axis in the social deficits that
are present in all the levels of affectation under different intensity,
but with structural base in the so-called "social brain". There is some
confusion in the scientific literature regarding the direction of
abnormalities found in the social brain of autism, either with respect
to morphology (greater or less density of gray matter) or connectivity
(hypo or hyperactivation), although the relationship Between the
amygdala and the prefrontal cortex has gained in recent years
relevance for its important role in the regulation of the emotional
processes present in social interaction, related to the understanding
of others and of oneself, and that are deficient in people with autism.
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