2019, Number 1
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2019; 73 (1)
Diagnostic performance of the GI-RADS classification system for anexial masses
Sonnemann MSI, Torres HVE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 41-45
PDF size: 230.33 Kb.
Introduction: The ovarian cancer has been considered as the gynecological tumor with the highest mortality in the world. Ultrasound is the first-line imaging tool that presents low costs, as well as high sensitivity and specificity in the hands of an experienced evaluator. The GI-RADS classification system has been shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity for the characterization of the adnexal masses.
Objective: It is expected that with this study, we can demonstrate the high diagnostic performance of the GI-RADS classification system for the characterization of the adnexal masses, thereby unifying the radiological language and reducing treatment times by the indicated specialty depending on the GI-RADS classification, as well as avoid over saturating the services of gynecology and gynecology-oncology.
Material and methods: Material: Studies carried out on ultrasonic equipment brand E10 Voluson of General Electric and Philips EnVisor, with endocavitary transducer. Methods: — Clinical and radiological records of patients with suspected adnexal lesion in which endocavitary ultrasound was decided. — Endocavitary ultrasound is performed by resident personnel and technicians in radiology and imaging training, supervised, or, reviewed by a doctor assigned as an expert in the image of women, as well as technical personnel with experience in performing gynecological sonographic studies. — The variables considered for the ultrasound technique were lesion volume, Doppler vascularity, wall thickness, and the presence of septa. — According to the obtained findings, it was subclassified according to the GI-RADS system. Information was obtained from the histopathological reports of the lesions analyzed by endocavitary ultrasound.
Results: We analyzed the clinical and radiological records of 197 patients, who met the inclusion criteria, of adult women with an average age of 45.3 years, from the years from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016. In which the GI-RADS values showed the highest frequency in the sub group GI-RADS 3 (50.3%), followed by group 4 (29.4%), group 5 (19.8%) and finally group 2 (0.5%). The values obtained in the diagnostic test showed Sensitivity of 64.29%, Specificity 97.6%, positive predictive value of 99% and negative predictive value of 43.3%.
Conclusions: Our study showed a high specificity (similar to that reported in the literature), but a limited sensitivity value which we consider is due to the lack of development of experience in the technique in our center.
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