2018, Number 2
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Cir Plast 2018; 28 (2)
Superior limb salvage using a dorsal epigastric flap
Romero EJF, Lozada SMA, Rogel RJF, Franco CF
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 70-76
PDF size: 623.16 Kb.
Proximal reconstruction of the upper extremity is a rarely discussed topic, as the surgical options available for salvage are rarely discussed. We present the case of a woman with trauma to the arm who required revascularization of the limb and skin coverage, provided by a dorsal-epigastric flap, achieving the rescue of the upper extremity with a good result. We conclude that the use of the dorsal-epigastric flap is a viable option for the reconstruction of the cutaneous covering of the proximal upper extremity and should not go unnoticed.
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