2019, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (2)
Group multicomponent treatment: an effective method against nicotinism
Puentes VD, Rodríguez PLA, Pupo ÁNL, Sit PR
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 205.12 Kb.
Introduction: Smoking habit is a chronic disease belonging to the group of addictions. In
Cuba there are few references of publications that measure the result of psychotherapeutic
strategies against this habit.
Objective: To evaluate the results achieved in patients that during one year received a group
multicomponent treatment for smoking cessation.
Method: Descriptive longitudinal research of evaluative type. The results were evaluated in
83 smokers a year after receiving multicomponent treatment for smoking cessation in the
Department of Mental Health of Plaza de la Revolución municipality. A survey was applied
and levels of carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin were determined.
Results: 42,1 % of the patients keep without smoking a year after treatment, 21,7 %
decreased consumption. Although more women went to receive help, a greater number of
men achieved abstinence. Of the abstinents only 10 reported living with smokers, none had
personal history of alcoholism and the 11,4 % was in pre-completion or completion phase.
91,4 % of former smokers had no carbon monoxide poisoning. In contrast, 91,7 % of those
who continued to smoke had moderate levels of carboxyhemoglobin. The main benefits
were improvement of health and economy, and as a group there was a pocket saving of 191
625 pesos. All patients expressed satisfaction with the treatment received and offered
suggestions for its improvement.
Conclusions: The results of the use of the multicomponent treatment for smoking cessasion
are satisfactory, instead of being nicotinism an addiction which is hard to control. It was
provided information on smoking cessation in clinical contexts that allows improving
cessation actions.
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