2019, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (2)
Risk perception of people living in vulnerable zones of Lima (Peru) during floods
Rojas-Portocarrero WK, Hidalgo-Egocheaga B, Moya-Durand CA, Castro-Pérez F, Barboza-Palomino M
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 165.73 Kb.
Introduction: In the last year, Peru experienced a climatic phenomenon called Niño
Costero. This generated rains, alluviums and floods affecting thousands of people and
causing the declaration of health emergency in the country. In spite of the occurrence of
similar phenomena in the affected areas, these are usually occupied as places to live.
Objective: To identify the characteristics of risk’s perception during floods in people who
live in vulnerable zones.
Method: A qualitative empirical research was developed in the year 2017. The semistructured
interview technique was conducted in nine people living in four districts of Lima
(Peru) whom were susceptible to flooding. The information collected was analyzed with the
support of Atlas.ti v. 7.0., software for the qualitative data analysis, using elements of the
Grounded Theory to develop the coding and categorization processes.
Results: It was found that the participants do not elaborate a perception of risk before the threat of floods. They envisage the floods as a threat when experience their consequences.
Conclusions: It is necessary to implement interdisciplinary researches that allow to generate evidence for the development of interventions aimed to the creation of a risk’s perception that will be coherent with the consequences and the impact of floods.
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