2019, Number 3
Nicotinic dependence in health professionals of primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 35-39
PDF size: 225.26 Kb.
Introduction: Tobacco consumption and smoke exposure are the first cause of preventable death in the world, including the health professionals. Objective: Determine the degree of physical addiction to nicotine and identify the stage for behavior change of the habit of smoking in health professionals smokers of the "Carlos Manuel Portuondo" polyclinic. Material and method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted, in the period between May and July 2018. Fagerström Test and Prochaska- Diclemente methodology were used in 61 participants. Results: In the casuistry, those with a moderate dependence on nicotine prevailed and were in the contempla-tion stage when faced with smoking habit change (54.1%), females (74.5%), ages between 45 and 59 years old. (39.3%) and as a profession, nurses (42.6%), followed by general practitioners (32.8%). Conclusions: Majorities of smokers had a moderate dependence on nicotine and were in the stages of preparation and contemplation for behavior change.REFERENCES
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