2018, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (2)
Associated meanings to body notion and feeding practices: A qualitative study with Chilean mothers Significados asociados a la noción de cuerpo y las prácticas alimentarias: Un estudio cualitativo con madres chilenas
Godoy BC, Denegri CM, Schnettler MB
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 145-159
PDF size: 175.58 Kb.
This paper raises the relationship of meanings between the notion of body and feeding practices from the discourse
of Chilean mothers of different income strata. Based on a qualitative methodology and a descriptive design, we
investigated the patterns of food socialization promoted by the mothers within their homes, to visualize the meanings
assigned to the notion of body. A total of 18 women between 31 and 53 years with three different income
strata (low, medium and high) were interviewed individually, considering three thematic axes: strategies of food
socialization in the family context, concerns about family eating habits and concerns about health care. Based on
the analysis carried out, three major response categories were yielded: daily food practices, self-care behaviors and
knowledge. Although these categories were found to be transversal in the three income strata, certain nuances
were identified that point to the differences and similarities that underlie the meanings related to the notion of
the body.
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