2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2018; 70 (3)
Behavior of the surveillance of the unspecific febrile syndrome
González FS, Doeste HVM, Moreno GM, Mena RI
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 38-49
PDF size: 325.34 Kb.
Introduction: The surveillance of the unspecific febrile syndrome is a subject of special attention because it is the most common expression of the occurrence of emerging and re-emerging diseases. Its timely detection allows the formulation of adequate intervention measures.
Objective: To evaluate the behavior of the surveillance of the unspecific febrile syndrome.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational investigation was carried out through active and passive surveillance. The population studied was determined by 384 patients detected having unspecific febrile syndrome, in three health areas: Juan M. Páez Inchausti, Leonilda Tamayo Matos y Orestes Falls Oñate, located in Isla de la Juventud special municipality, from January to June 2017. The epidemiological survey of each case was used as the primary source of data. For the analysis, absolute frequencies, relative frequencies and rates were used. Two attributes of the system were evaluated (opportunity and positive predictive value).
Results: The highest notification occurred in the last weeks being predominant Juan M. Páez Inchausti health area, which showed the highest rate (61.8 × 104 inhab.). 207 cases were of the male sex (48.6 × 10 4 inhab.) and the highest incidence was evidenced in those younger than 1 year, with 48 cases (497.9 × 104 inhab). The frequency of symptoms was of 95.8 % (368) for fever, followed by headache 47.1 % (181). The opportunity attribute was evaluated as medium enough and the PPV was low.
Conclusions: The surveillance showed its greatest effectiveness in the last weeks. According to the socio-demographic characteristics, the male sex predominated and the incidence was greater in the ages from 1 to 4 years old. There are some deficiencies in the fulfillment of the essential attributes; however, it does not affect the result of the system as a whole.
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