2006, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2006; 53 (3)
Vaginal trichomonosis. A case report and review
Carrada-Bravo T
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 151-156
PDF size: 153.12 Kb.
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmited infection with the flagellated protozoon
Trichomonas vaginalis. The organism is recognized in fresh preparations by its jerky swaying motion produced by beating four anterior flagella and the ondulating membrane. The parasite attaches to epithelial scamous cells it interdigitates in the zone of contact with the host–cell, blocking of this process by the microfilaments inhibitor cytochalaisn-B, which inhibits the attachment. The surface expression of proteases and other antigens is subjeted to iron–regulation and may be correlated with changes in the virulence. The prevalence of trichomoniasis in specific population’s groups, is well correlated with levels of sexual activity. Men’s prevalence of trichomoniasis is rather sketchy because the large fraction of asymptomatic cases. Vaginal discharge, pruritus, dispareumia and dysuria have been recorded in about 50 to 75% of women diagnosed in primary care clinics. Punctate haemorrhages of the cervix may result in a strawberry appearrence but definite diagnosis depends on microscopic demonstration of the
Trichomonas. Most strains are highly susceptible to oral metronidazol, 2.0 g administered as a single dose. This paper presents a clinical case of trichomoniasis and a review of the subject.
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