2019, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2019; 48 (1)
Spontaneous splenic rupture as a complication in plasmodium falciparum acute severe malaria
Rodríguez PJM, López HLR, Columbié GR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 92-97
PDF size: 178.26 Kb.
We present a clinical case of a patient with spontaneous rupture of the spleen, as a
serious and uncommon complication of acute malaria. This complication can occur
from the first week of illness and its late diagnosis is potentially fatal. It should be
suspected in all patients with severe malaria, who evolutionarily present an acute
abdomen and signs of hypovolemic shock. Medical or surgical management will
depend on the extent of the rupture and hemodynamic status of the patient. The
case is presented due to the severity and low frequency of this complication.
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