2019, Number 1
Theoretical conception of mass reception of intoxicated people in hospitals during chemical emergencies
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 67-82
PDF size: 349.27 Kb.
Introduction: The mass reception of intoxicated people in hospitals, resulting from chemical emergencies, is based on general theoretical postulates of chemical emergencies, mass casualty events and systems theory, which must contribute to the disaster risk reduction.Objective: To design a hospital theoretical conception for mass reception of intoxicated people resulting from chemical emergencies. This conception should contribute to the response phases of the disaster risk reduction.
Methods: This is a research on health systems and services conducted from 2005 to 2017. We reviewed and analyzed bibliometric and infometric sources and we consulted experts. To determine the relevance, we focused on the process of result concretion and consensus method.
Results: The mass reception of intoxicated patients in hospitals was conceived as a system of four subsystems. The basic are preparatory, executive and recuperative subsystems. The assurance subsystem guarantees the operation. All subsystems relate to each other with significant dependence between them. This system is flexible, objective, participatory, timely, acceptable, adequate and selective.
Conclusions: The systemic approach of the mass reception of intoxicated patients in hospitals resulting from chemical emergencies constitutes a valuable theoretical reference for its basic comprehension as a complex phenomenon. Four subsystems structures it: preparatory, executive, recuperative and assurance. It contributes to the response phases of the cycle for disaster risk reduction.
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