2018, Number 3
Impact of overweight and obesity in mortality due to non-communicable diseases in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 71-81
PDF size: 211.99 Kb.
Introduction: Overweight and obesity mortality is preventable.Objective: to estimate the mortality attributable to overweight-obesity in the Cuban population aged 20 years or older.
Method: descriptive study that used secondary data sources for prevalence of overweight and obesity and mortality data from selected non-transmissible diseases: diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The impact of excess weight on mortality was obtained by calculating the population attributable fractions from relative risks from previous studies. The attributable mortality by cause and sex was calculated.
Results: of the total number of deaths (30 656), 3 785 were attributed to overweight and obesity: 12.3 %. In men, 8.1 %; in women, 16.8 %. Regarding the deaths from all causes reported in the year for this age group and sex, the percentages were 4 %, 2.4 % and 5.7 %, respectively. Cardiovascular disease was the most frequent cause of attributable mortality: 53 % of the total. The second cause was type II diabetes mellitus: 25 % and in turn, the specific cause in which excess weight had a greater contribution: 63 %. In men, half of the deaths (49 %) were attributed to overweight or obesity; in women, seven out of ten deaths (72 %).
Conclusions: The mortality associated with overweight in Cuba is high and requires an effective multisectorial approach focused on enhancing opportunities for greater consumption of nutritious foods and increased physical activity.
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