2018, Number 2
Educational intervention in patients with dementia and Impact on the caregiver quality of life
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 82.32 Kb.
Introduction: Age-related memory impairment is a relatively benign disorder, which can be quite common due to the fact of being associated with normal aging and the evident increase in life expectancy worldwide and nationally, with a greater population of people belonging to the third age and the consequent increase of chronic diseases, characteristic of this population group.Objective: To evaluate the result of an educational intervention in patients with mild dementia and its impact on the quality of life of the caregiver.
Methods: An educational intervention was carried out with patients diagnosed with mild dementia in Madruga Municipality from September 2015 to February 2016. The study population was made up by 110 elderly people. The sample was integrated by 16 patients who were assigned to the study group together with the 16 caregivers and 16 assigned to the control group by random assignment. Variables such as cognitive impairment, associated symptoms and quality of life were controlled. The information was collected from interviews, caregiver surveys and the Minimental Test that were applied to patients before and after the intervention. Techniques such as reminiscence therapy, life review and patient reeducation were used.
Results: Negativism, fear, distractibility and communication of patients improved. Deceleration of cognitive impairment was observed in the study group and progressed in the control group. The caregiver quality of life improved.
Conclusions: Behavioral symptoms improved, the evolution of the disease was delayed in the study group and progressed in the control group. The caregiver quality of life improved.
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