2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (3)
Effects of Continuous-extensive method to enhance aerobic resistance in trail running and long-distance race
Carrillo AAM, Montoro BR, Lincango IPD, Mon LD, Romero FE, Pérez RME
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 103.42 Kb.
Introduction: the run as well as being a basic physical skill is an inseparable part of
numerous sports. The various sports rise in the country based on run of resistance
deserves, for trail running case, to design efficient training models according to sport
demands, being vital to enhance sports performance.
Objective: Effects evaluate of a resistance training based on continuous-extensive
method of amateur athletes in trail running and long-distance race, senior category.
Methods: The research is transversal, experimental and correlational, studying two
independent groups of senior trail running athletes (10 subjects) and long-distance
race (10 subjects) of the male sex (age range: 21-40 years), total 20 amateur
athletes category. The independent groups were subjected to a previous analysis that
showed a similar sport performance in aerobic capacity terms. The Cooper test was
applied after implementing a specialized aerobic resistance training (six months),
based in the application of continuous-extensive method.
Results: there was a notable improvement in physical capacity resistance in the
groups studied, being the comparison of potentiation of the aerobic resistance
significantly different (p = 0.000) between groups, favoring the long-distance race
athletes (15.00) over trail running athletes (6.00).
Conclusions: Most of the study showed positive results referring to aerobic
resistance increase in the sports investigated, which shows a favorable point for
efficient training by training method implemented. On the other hand, it was
demonstrated that the continuous-extensive method enhances aerobic resistance
better in long-distance race athletes than in trail running athletes.
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