2019, Number 2
Compliance of the Prevention of urinary tract infections indicator in a third level hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 73-79
PDF size: 863.58 Kb.
Introduction: According to the incidence showed by the Prevention of urinary tract infections in patients with a bladder catheter indicator, 80% of these infections is caused by the use of a bladder catheter. In order to reduce this problem, it was implemented the nursing service quality indicator.Objective: To identify compliance with the criteria of the indicator Prevention of urinary tract infections in patients with a bladder catheter in a third level unit.
Methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, health systems sort of study, which included 74 patients from September to October of 2017, with a convenience sample by observation to the nursing staff that takes care of patients with bladder catheter installed during the period of data collection in the morning and afternoon shifts with INDICAS system format (F1-PIVUPSVI/12). Analysis was performed with descriptive statistics.
Results: The level of compliance with the Prevention of urinary tract infections in patients with a bladder catheter indicator resulted in 89.1% in red (66), equivalent to 70% or less, and 18.9% in yellow (8), equivalent to a level of compliance ranging from 71 to 90%.
Conclusions: According to statistical data, the indicator is in red, based on the Secretaría de Salud (Secretariat of Health) INDICAS system.
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