2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2019; 56 (1)
Effectiveness of the step-back technique in single-visit endodontic treatment
Lima ÁL, Rodríguez ÁIL, Maso GMZ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 2-13
PDF size: 579.35 Kb.
Introduction: Biomechanical preparation is crucial for the success of endodontic treatment, since the apical top and the obturation limit are fundamental operational stages to ensure appropriate broadening of the duct maintaining the initial preoperative configuration.
Objective: Determine the effectiveness of the step-back instrumentation technique in single-visit endodontic treatment.
Methods: A therapeutic intervention study was conducted of 30 patients aged over 12 years at "Dr. Salvador Allende" Dental Clinic in the municipality of Cerro, Havana, from December 2015 to June 2017. The variables analyzed included postoperative pain, swelling, radiographic examination, success and failure of treatment based on pulp condition and type of tooth treated. Data were presented in two-entry contingency tables, with percentage as the measure of summary.
Results: 90 % of the patients did not have any postoperative pain, 96.67 % of the treatments were effective in that there were no signs of swelling, and 3.3 % of the evolutionary radiographic tests showed images of chronic inflammatory processes.
Conclusions: The step-back instrumentation technique in single-visit endodontic treatment was found to be effective in most cases. The highest percentage of patients treated did not report any postoperative pain or swelling.
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