2019, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2019; 61 (4)
Sweetened beverages in young adults and its association to adiposity and metabolic risk
Cartagena AH, Ortega-Garrido JA, Bustos-Muñoz P
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 478-485
PDF size: 324.05 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the association between sweetened
beverages (SB) consumption with adiposity indicators
and metabolic status among young Chilean adults.
Materials and methods. We analyzed food frequency
consumption, body mass index (BMC), waist circumference
(WC), body fat percentage (BFP), glucose and triglycerides in
931 young adults randomly selected from Valparaiso Region
using multivariate regression models controlling confusion
and interactions factors. Results. The median age was
24.9 years; (95%CI: 92.3-95.3) reported SB consumption,
33.1% received more than two portions (≥500 ml) daily
what was associated with an increase in glycemia (β=2.40;
p=0.024) (both sexes), with BMI (β=1.48,
p=0.04), WC (β=
p=0.009) and BFP (β=3.02,
p‹ 0.001) only in women.
Conclusion. High consumption of SB increases glycemia
in young adults and only in women, indicators of adiposity,
relevant antecedents to formulate policies that decrease SB
consumption and its consequences.
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