2018, Number 3
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2018; 46 (3)
Bioethical aspects of neuropsychiatric management of dementia
Souza y Machorro M
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 80-87
PDF size: 203.39 Kb.
The inescapable problem of aging, through changes resulting from the action of time on bodies, structural morpho-physiological manifests itself in increased
morbidity of the body economy, decreased independence and adaptability, emphasizing, removal work, decline in economic capacity and restriction of the
right to physical and mental deterioration models. In many countries and in Mexico, doctors do not have the resources adequate to cater to this growing
population, most families can not cover the costs so the elderly--even without dementia, reduce their quality of life and increase its dependence. These
conditions of poverty increase their vulnerability. Current classifications differ in their concept of dementia. However they converge in general, in the kind
of cognitive impairment displayed, distinguishing the differential diagnosis by addressing its Bioethics in a similar way. Emphasizes the management
of people affected by its multidimensional approach to the caregiver, pharmacotherapy - residential or domiciliary-care-, symptomatic care (caring and
effective), and management of the immediate environment to improve the quality of life. Finally emphasizes participation in team (therapeutic teamfamily-
caregiver) to determine from the ethical vision, the best thing for the patient with dementia: lengthen or not, his life and the method to follow.
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