2019, Number 62
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Oral 2019; 20 (62)
Premature loss of primary teeth in 5 to 10 years old children who attend the Faculty of Dentistry in Durango
Ceja-González SG, Gómez Palacio-Gastélum M, Vargas-Chávez N, Pérez-Gracia M
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1674-1679
PDF size: 222.95 Kb.
Introduction. The premature loss of primary teeth means the early removal of primary teeth that may compromise the proper
maintenance of natural dental arch length; it is considered premature when the primary tooth is lost before the following
permanent tooth has less than two thirds of its root developed. Objective. The present study was carried out in order to
evaluate the prevalence of early loss of primary teeth in 5 to 10 years old children that visit the Children’s clinic at the Faculty
of Dentistry in Durango, Dgo.
Methods. An observational, descriptive study, that was done in 63 children from 5 to 10 years old
that needed a primary tooth extraction. Once the extraction was done, a radiographic analysis illustrated if the extraction was
premature according to Nolla’s table, in which the surrogate tooth was found and assessed to determine if the loss of the tooth
was premature or not.
Results. From a total of 106 extractions needed, 75.5% of those were premature, with 59.6% in Nolla’s 6
and 7 stages.
Conclusions. There is a great need of parent’s education to show them the need of early dental attention as well
as to make them aware of early childhood caries treatment to prevent premature loss of primary teeth as they are paramount
in the children eruption pattern; further deleterious consequen ces follow as the natural dental arch length is compromised.
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