2019, Number 1
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Medisur 2019; 17 (1)
Incidence of ophthalmological affections in the Island of Fogo, Green Cape. 2015-2017
Milanés AAR, Molina CK, Alves TIA, Milanés MM, Ojeda LÁM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 48-61
PDF size: 558.77 Kb.
Foundation: there an increase of ocular diseases and people with visual disabilities.
Objectives: to describe the incidence of ocular affections.
Methods: study of a series of cases realized in the Ophthalmological consultation in the Island of Fogo, Green Cape between November 2015 and November 2017. A survey was applied which included variables such as age, sex, ophthalmological affection, congenital ocular malformation and type of malformation. It was analyzed if nystagmus, strabismus, any kind of ametropy was present, traumatisms so as affection of the annexes, anterior and posterior segments.
Results: 4846 patients were assisted. The incidence of ophthalmological affections was 13,07 %, with female predominance and age group between 21 and 41 years old. The main affections were ametropies, pterygium, catarac, allergic conjunctivitis, pathologies related to keratitis, sclera-hypertensive retinopathies, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.
Conclusion: The main ophthalmological affections are related to the climate of the Island as pterygium, allergic conjunctivitis and cataract, and others as the management and control of the basic disease as pathologies related to keratitis, sclera-hypertensive retinopathies, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.
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