2016, Number 15
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waxapa 2016; 8 (15)
Representaciones de las enfermeras del estado de Chihuahua, México, que emergen durante el cuidado en el acto de morir
González OG, Aguinaga BOW
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 17-24
PDF size: 124.80 Kb.
This article discusses only one category that emerged in the thesis called Concept, meaning the act of dying and consequences in expressing care nurses Chihuahua, Mexico. The image about nursing in hospitals during caring for people in the last transit of biological life is described; is based in the expressions of the interacting from de patisipants who are the family and the people whos caring , and with their professional peers; it can be considered a performance evaluation from two perspectives: from the common area and from that of their professionals colleagues.
It is a qualitative study using Grounded Theory design, from the perspective of Strauss and Corbin analysis. The data source was obtained through in-depth interviews, after signing informed consent. Inclusion criteria for participants were nurses who at some point in their professional practice care of a person at death and belong to the Nursing Board of Chihuahua.
The category called Representations, consists in two dimensions: social representations and professional performances. In the first case, social representations are constructed by the expressions puted to them by the familyto the nurses; while professional representations were expressions of colleagues in the workplace; in both cases, these images mark a duty being and acting of nurses, through the perspective of others, and under these precepts nurse is evaluated by others and also, she guides her practice.
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