2019, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2019; 87 (08)
Patients with severe obstetric morbidity, according to the World Health Organization, atended at the high specialty hospital (2010 to 2016)
Becerril-Rodríguez PR, Audillo-Ibarrondo J, Vargas-Hernández VM, Hernández-Vivar LE, Hernández-Aldana FJ, Tovar-Rodríguez JM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 520-526
PDF size: 270.05 Kb.
Objective: To determine how many cases of severe obstetric morbidity and maternal
mortality were presented in 2010-2016, at the Hospital Juárez de México.
Materials And Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study was
carried out in cases of severe obstetric morbidity and maternal death were included according,
to WHO criteria, attended in the Hospital Juárez de México from 2010-2016,.
We included variables related to the diagnosis, with the organic failure or dysfunction
and the interventions related to the management. The extreme maternal morbidity rate
was calculated; obstetric (Near miss / Total pregnant). Measures of central tendency
and dispersion were used.
Results: A total of 137 cases of severe obstetric morbidity and 26 of maternal deaths
were registered. The mortality rate on average was 5.78% and death rate .415. The
main causes of severe maternal morbidity and mortality were obstetric haemorrhage,
hypertension associated with pregnancy and sepsis. There was an increase in cases
of severe maternal morbidity and decrease in maternal death in the period studied.
Conclusion: We suggest the establishment of a committee to evaluate and analyze
cases of severe obstetric morbidity to improve the quality of care and treatment for this
group of pregnant women, to reduce maternal death.
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