2015, Number 13
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waxapa 2015; 7 (13)
Enfermedad médica: una mirada hacia el bien mercantil en salud
Casas PD, Rodríguez TA, Costa da Cunha OC, Barbosa TAP
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 11-19
PDF size: 386.08 Kb.
This article presents a critique of the
hegemonic medical gaze, which has led
to the creation of a commodity through
the suffering of others, it has been built so
the “market disease” reflection, collective
have undergone without full authorization
handling of his stay on this planet as having
an evil which must be fought, so on the one
hand to the conditions prevailing medical
science life scenarios of a commercial
reproduction medicine, and on the other
hand, there is the neoliberal subjugation
of pharmaceutical transnational
corporations, in collusion with Democratic
politicians paint which regulars of lies
and deceit perpetuate medicine without
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