2014, Number 11
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waxapa 2014; 6 (11)
Modelo metacognitivo basado en las estrategias de aprendizaje para estudiantes de medicina
Montiel EO, Mata GL, Urdaneta E
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 13-22
PDF size: 254.62 Kb.
The purpose of this research was to generate
a model based on metacognitive learning
strategies for medical students. The approach
was qualitative in the form of ethnographic
research on the theory of Martinez. Among the
theoretical framework underlying the research
are: learning strategies and metamemory
metaatencionales Arandiga meta-cognitive
aspect and troubleshooting of Flavell and
processes the significant learning incidents
Mata. It concludes that the metacognitive
model is structured by the following aspects:
the position of the teacher, teacher -student
interaction, achievement motivation and
learning strategies and techniques. In each
of the aspects we consider the relevance of
the study in the implementation of strategies
to achieve objectives in chemistry subject
and enhance meaningful learning of students
in the medical field and become successful
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