2018, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2018; 23 (3)
Relation stress-coronary risk factors with Holter monitoring in neurosurgeons
Rivera-Velázquez JE, Castillo-Rangel C, Martínez-Albarrán LA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 117-122
PDF size: 217.06 Kb.
Mental stress produces the same physiological changes as physical stress. It has been found that it leads to significant
physiological disturbances, in both the metabolic aspect and the immune functioning. It has been considered a new risk
factor for cardiovascular disease, since acts as a trigger of many disorders of this kind in susceptible individuals; it also induces
alterations in the autonomic nervous system. The Holter monitoring can register these changes. This study is extremely
important, the purpose and contribution of this research lies in identifying the prevalence of these disturbances and the
measures of association among variables. A transversal, observational and prospective study was performed, and the population
study was composed of medical residents of the Neurosurgery Department. The following alterations were found:
supraventricular extra systole (57%), sinus tachycardia (29%) and sustained ventricular tachycardia (14%). The most important
fact was stress, most of the doctors with stress symptoms also experience abnormalities during the Holter monitoring.
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