2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Recovery of subject of the unconscious in the educational ACT
Aranda BBL, Ochoa BFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 2302-2317
PDF size: 165.79 Kb.
In this article, we present an analysis on the links between
psychoanalytic theory and pedagogical work, taken as lines
of analysis: the trasferencial relationship tie-in, the desire of
teachers, the educational institution and the discourse of the
master, and education as impossible activity. Emphasizing
that the possibility of learning is related to an active desire to
the student who pushes the processes of construction and
appropriation of knowledge, but this process sometimes is
hindered, by aspects such as the desire of the teacher or the
rules of the own institution. By is it essential to take into
account that the learning process occurs in this interplay
between subjectivity of the subject and school world, being
there is built where a creative appropriation of knowledge.
Psychoanalytic intervention advocates subjectivation,
considering the temporality of the unconscious that implies
the uniqueness of the subject, because there is a variability
in the structure of one individual to another, but this condition
refers to the teacher to a paradox: on the one hand has
inevitably refer to a mass, a particular group and, at the
same time hopes to promote the production of subjectivity
which alludes to the unique times of each student's learning.
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