2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Intervenciones basadas en evidencia para la formación de psicólogos educativos
Santillán TTC
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 2169-2186
PDF size: 194.88 Kb.
Mental health issues, increasingly frequent in Mexican
children, have a bidirectional relationship with learning, lag
and school dropouts, and impact the trajectories of students.
Disorders related to stress, mood, anxiety and recently
suicide, are the most frequent on students. The educational
psychologist in his training must know how to carry out the
development of programs that affect these variables
associated with learning. The social service practices of the
psychology degree are the crucial vehicle for training
students in evidence-based interventions as a method of
training for professional practice, aimed at addressing issues
of first importance in the educational setting. The purpose of
the present work is to present a proposal to train educational
psychologists of the Basic Practice subject in Education,
Development and Teaching from the Behavioral Cognitive
Tradition of the Psychology Career of the UNAM FESI in the
design and implementation of an evidence-based
intervention with emphasis on depressive symptomatology,
suicidal behaviors, anxiety disorders, and stress in a sample
of primary school children.
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