2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Vulnerable urban and rural educational contexts: a resilience study
Castro RA, Saavedra GE, Rojas JC
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 2084-2105
PDF size: 425.94 Kb.
With the objective of describing and comparing the resilience
profiles of children from vulnerable rural and urban sectors of
municipal schools from the Seventh Region of Chile, the
School Resilience Scale (ERE) was administered (Saavedra y
Castro, 2009). The sample consisted of 453 schoolchildren,
230 male and 223 women, whose residence was rural in the
case of 190 subjects and 263 who lived in urban sectors. A
descriptive - comparative statistical analysis was carried out
with the variables gender and place of residence. Among the
most striking results, the general average of the resilience
score of the total sample is located in the "intermediate level"
category of resilience, while women gain higher resilience
averages than men. On the other hand, when disaggregating
by dimensions, the category "Identity – Self esteem" appears
with lower scores and the dimension "Networks and Models"
the most developed. On the other hand, when comparing
groups with rural and urban residence, statistically significant
differences are described in favor of the first, which is
analyzed from the perspective of the lifestyles of the different
environments, where the rural sector would take advantages
around the levels of knowledge and trust among its
inhabitants. In the same way, the results of the comparison by
sex are analyzed, explaining these results by the type of
socialization that develops in boys and girls, stimulating the
latter with more explicit social and affective behaviors.
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