2019, Number 2
Risks of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in the preterm newborn
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 230-240
PDF size: 190.36 Kb.
Introduction: for neonatologists practicing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), it is very important to identify the most severe patients and predict which of them are more likely to develop pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation (VAP). Objective: identify the risk factors for pneumonia associated with invasive artificial mechanical ventilation in newborns admitted to the NICU of the Neonatal service of the General Teaching Hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Method: an analytical case and control study was conducted on the risk factors of pneumonia associated with artificial mechanical ventilation in the newborn. The study groups consisted of 50 cases and 100 controls, respectively. The evaluation of the associations was performed by the binary logistic regression. Results: the variables gestational age before 37 weeks and the low birth weight have more risks of suffering pneumonia associated with ventilation, p <0.05. Conclusions: the gestational age less than 37 weeks, the weight at birth less than 2500 grams, the male sex, the type of dystocic delivery, the stay in the ventilator more than three days were significant variables.REFERENCES
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