2018, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2018; 3 (2)
Forensic Investigation and the National Code of Criminal Procedures in Mexico
García-Garduza I
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 54-70
PDF size: 536.76 Kb.
Objective. The current state of the investigation of crime justifies the need to review the Forensic Investigation, as an effective way to raise the capacity of experts and police involved in this activity, an aspect that is necessary due to the crimes that are perpetrated and that are not solved or its solution is difficult.
Discussion. A method of investigating crime is described, beginning in the crime scene and finally the identification of a suspect, following the guidelines of the National Code of Criminal Procedures of Mexico. An analysis is made of the fundamental element in research, which is science, integrating the knowledge of the natural and social sciences allowing us the understanding of the criminal act and the perpetrator. Crime is defined and the human and circumstantial elements that intervene in its perpetration are described. It is analyzed from an interdisciplinary approach, based on research practices among the participants (experts and police).
Conclusion. The monitoring of methodology, the application of science knowledge as well as ethics and interdisciplinarity, will be the factors whichl determine success in forensic investigation and delivery of justice.
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