2019, Number 1
Anesthesia, analgesia, rheumatology and relief of acute and chronic pain
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 286.78 Kb.
Introduction: The effective treatment of postoperative pain is today a challenge for anesthetists, rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, surgeons and researchers of various specialties, who constantly propose protocols based on scientific evidence.Objective: Reflect and open the debate regarding the role of anesthesia in the relief of pain of rheumatological origin.
Development: In Rheumatology, it is recommended, in all patients with chronic rheumatic pain, to calculate the intensity of the pain, both for the first choice of the analgesic treatment and for the measurement of the response. And, for this, several methods of quantification have been proposed.
Conclusions: Diagnostic management and multidisciplinary treatment preside when this type of case is examined, since it is the only way to identify the origin of pain and provide prudent relief. In general, patients respond to conservative treatment and only a small group will need invasive anesthetic techniques.
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