2019, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Reu 2019; 21 (1)
Local anesthesia in rheumatic patients. Progress and perspectives
Vanegas MJM, Fierro DGA, Beltrán GAB
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 281.27 Kb.
Introduction: rheumatic diseases and musculoskeletal diseases are manifested by alterations in the locomotors system, although behind them there may be a disorder of the immune response that leads to the attention of these patients should not focus only on the local aspects, but also in its systemic assessment for the involvement of organs and organ systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and digestive.
Objective: To review current advances and trends in the use of local anesthesia in patients with rheumatic diseases.
Development: The treatment of these diseases consists mainly of glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying drugs, in addition to which antirheumatic drugs are increasingly available, although some still require more evidence for its widespread use.
Conclusions: Local anesthesia is one of the therapeutic alternatives that is generally used intra-articularly in rheumatic patients, as well as other medications. In the search for new substances that induce longer periods of analgesia has been intruded into the use of adjuvants or additives, which are drugs that are associated in a synergistic manner with local anesthetics and prolong the duration of sensorimotor block, attenuating the sensation painful and this allows to restrict the required cumulative dose of local anesthetics. Important advances are reported in this regard and perspectives are broadened by the results of the investigations.
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